Welcome to

Radiant Coaches Academy!

Radiant Coaches Academy provides the curriculum and community you need to become the type of coach that facilitates real change.

Graduation Guidelines

The main list needed to become a certified and credentialed coach! You'll find the list of requirements needed here -

Weekly Classes

Click here to find our list of classes that happen weekly. You'll receive an email each week with the list that includes pop-ups.

Online Course

Access the online course as well as the group for the main program. Make sure to track your hours on your time sheet!

Become an Affiliate

Be a part of Radiant's affiliate program and receive 10% of all tuition payments received from anyone who registers using your affiliate link.

Save Your Progress

As you work your way through the graduation guidelines, load everything into a folder within your Google Drive to share with Radiant.

  • Go to Google Drive

  • Select "New" in the top left corner

  • Select "Folder"

  • Title it "RCA - (First, Last Name)"

  • As you complete the items on the Graduation Guidelines, load them into this Google folder

  • Your time and coaching log should be kept separate for privacy purposes

For tracking your time and coaching hours, please feel free to use THIS template, or you can create one yourself.

Each trainee keeps track of their own hours.

When you're ready to share access to your Google folder, please use [email protected].

Facebook Group

You're welcome to join our Facebook group with over 1100 coaches and like-minded humans!

Practicum Feedback

Need the link for people to provide you feedback on your coaching sessions? Find it here (radiantpracticums.com)!

Resource Center

Access our library of resources for the Radiant Coaches Academy Certification + Credentialing program.

Radiant Trades

Need to build your coaching hours? Radiant Trades is a place where Radiant coaches can put their info and swap coaching hours as they work on their certification + credentialing.

As a Radiant Trainee + Graduate

You receive a lot of continued support, education, and tools. Here are some things always included with Radiant:

  • Lifetime access to the online course and resource center

  • Always invited to our live classes to continue learning

  • Continued ICF studies

  • Ability to teach a class for Radiant

  • Always have access to the Radiant community of coaches

  • Unlimited group mentor sessions

As a Radiant Student + Graduate, there's so much more than the process of becoming certified + credentialed. You're always a part of the Radiant family as long as you want to be!

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